What makes you a “sleep schedule coach?”

So what makes you so special, eh? How are you so different from everyone else out there claiming to know a thing or two about sleep?

Great question, I’m glad you asked!


The reason we call ourselves sleep scheduling coaches is because of our overall philosophy. So many sleep experts will focus on the methods used for sleep training, but we actually don’t believe the method makes a difference one way or another. While we can advise on what we think works, we don’t have any hard and fast rules about how the sleep training needs to be done, it’s a very personal experience and based on parent-baby dynamics.


Our philosophy is that with the right schedule and the proper routines, your child can become accustomed to sleeping at set times and you can set expectations about how to structure your day. Sleep doesn’t only mean being well rested (even though that’s the key part about it!)  it’s so much more than that.


A good schedule means reclaiming your time as a parent – and knowing what time you can expect to have to yourself that day so that you can maximize the energy you have to spend with your kids during their awake times.

Good routines mean your children expect to sleep at certain times and a predictable schedule so they can learn when to recognize signs of tiredness in their body and act according to what they need.


A good schedule also means your child can also regulate their emotions effectively because they are well rested enough to manage their emotions and big feelings.


If you’re up to the challenge and want to give you and your children the best chance at living life in the most optimized way, join us at Nighttime Heroes on our journey to an effective schedule and contact us today!


Scheduling Post-Pandemic


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