Rescue naps and how to use them

Some days do not go the way we planned. Appointments come up, unexpected guests arrive, or sometimes we just don’t nap very well. It happens!

So what do we do if the day goes off the rails and we need to get back on track without completely falling apart from being overtired?

The answer: rescue naps

A rescue nap is a 20–30-minute nap that happens between 4-5 pm to act as a buffer to get baby to their normal bedtime. Without it, babies can get cranky and it can be even harder to get them to sleep at night.

Here are some tips to make the most of a rescue nap when its needed:

1.      Wake them up by 5 pm

This needs to be a nap and not an excessively early bedtime! The way to ensure this is by waking them up no later than 5 pm to keep them on a reasonable schedule.

2.      Try to get them to nap on-the-go

The movement of a car or stroller sometimes helps more with getting them to sleep rather than in a crib, especially for such a short time.

3.      Keep an eye for when they are ready to go to sleep for the evening

While the rescue nap is a great tool for getting them closer to their regular bedtime, it doesn’t ensure they’ll be able to make it to their exact schedule. Keep an eye out for signs of tiredness so that if an earlier bedtime is necessary, you can capitalize on that before they get overtired.

The best part about this is that everything is fixable and the day starts fresh in the morning. If a day doesn’t go ideally, don’t stress too much! Keep to the plan as best as you can and try again the next day.,


They go to bed HOW EARLY?!


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